On Jul 31, 2003, "David Nicholson" claimed that:

|This is a reply to an e-mail that you wrote on Thu, 31 Jul 2003 at
|13:38, lines prefixed by '>' were originally written by you.
|> Greetinx,
|> I'm a newbie and wondering which PHP script or CGI in C/C++
|> can
|> run/respond faster via http from the same server doing the same
|> I appreciate your comments in advance.
|I would expect compiled C/C++ to be faster as there is no need for
|the code to be interperated and compiled on each request.  You will
|need to do your own benchmarking to see if the difference bothers you

Usually, though, the speed difference you pick up or lose from one
instruction set is miniscule compared to the time it takes for the html to
speed across the Internet. Asking about speed of a script on one language
against another is a moot point. If you ask "is it faster to save a cookie
on the user's machine or save it in a database," you'd get an answer that
would probably help you design a faster site.

If you have a site getting enough hits per second to actually make a
difference, then there are some other speed considerations before getting
to the output. In this case, you'd have to ask yourself if the speed
picked up on the output is worth the time difference in the development

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