From: "Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I seem to learn something new every time you or Jennifer post (many
> others as well). I never knew about variable functions. Cool!

You're welcome. I wouldn't recommend that solution exactly (an abstraction
class would be better), but the functions do come in handy.

For example, I use variable function in one of my validation classes. I have
a main method called check() that is passed a "type" and a "value". The
"type" must match a method in the class. The check() method does some
default checking and then passes the $value to the $type() method for
further checking...

class Validate
  function check($type,$value)
    { return FALSE; }
    { $retval = $this->$type($value); }
    return $retval;

  function number($value)
    { return FALSE; }
    { return $value; }

Where "number" is one of the types that'll be validated.

$val = new Validate;


Where you'd have a phone() and date() method in the Validate class... I
think that's the only place I've used variable-functions... or
variable-methods, rather. :)

---John Holmes...

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