> Tried this and it returns errors of type:
> Warning: Wrong parameter count for mssql_result() in
> c:\inetpub\wwwroot\webpage10\example\utilities\dsp_del_images.php 
> on line 78
> Warning: mssql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MS SQL-result
> resource in
> c:\inetpub\wwwroot\webpage10\example\utilities\dsp_del_images.php 
> on line 79
> Lines 78 and 79 read like this:
> $img_numbers = $qryResults("SELECT COUNT(img_id) AS TotalImages 
> FROM images
> WHERE category_id = '$row[0]'");
> $img_count = $qryResults($img_numbers,0,"TotalImages")
> The variables are specified as
> $runQuery = 'mssql_query';
> $qryResults = 'mssql_result';

You are using mssql_result instead of mssql_query on line 78. 

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