you probably just want what everyone wants... a seperation of design from

as for applying the variables to the style sheet it depends on what youre
trying to do. what are the variables for? to request a specific css file? or
are they to supplement the ccs file (ie: use value x for width of div), or
are they to override the css file?

i may have it wrong but what it sounds like is that you want to have a
default css file then allow the user to make changes via the ini file. is
this what youre after?

"Raquel Rice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Mon, 6 Oct 2003 13:18:00 -0500
> "erythros" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > people will still be able to see your style sheet, by folling the
> > link to your css file.
> > how are you apling the variables in the first place? now that you
> > are link to a style sheet what has changed (apperance wise) with
> > the output of the page. is the formating not being applied? can
> > you send a sample of what you are trying to do?
> You're right.  They'll be able to follow the link.  Maybe I'm just
> being silly, but I'm thinking that I don't want the style sheet in
> the HTML <head></head>
> =========
> The HTML is currently created using PHP, for example:
> <?php
> include and read the ini file
> print("<html><head>");
> print("<script type=\"text/javascript\" charset=\"ISO-8859-1\">);
> print the style sheet details using variables from ini file
> print("</script">);
> print("</head><body>");
> =========
> Instead, I would like to do this, applying the variables to the
> linked style sheet:
> <?php
> include and read the ini file
> print("<html><head>");
> print("<link href="path/to/style.css" rel="stylesheet"
> type="text/css">");
> print("</head><body>");
> ==========
> I haven't tried it yet, but David's idea makes a lot of sense.
> --
> Raquel
> ============================================================
> He who possesses the source of enthusiasm will achieve great things.
>  Doubt not. You will gather friends around you as a hair clasp
> gathers the hair.
>   --I Ching (B.C. ?)

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