Hi David,

I think he's suggesting parsing and rewriting the CSS files - treating them
as INI files.

Nopes definitely not.

Personally, I think XSLT os overkill for this, but then I
think it's a pig's ear fullstop.

Yes everyone is entitled to his opinion. :-)

Write a script that opens your CSS file, parses the current CSS settings out of it, and displays them as a form. The user then updates and submits new values, and the script writes the new values the the CSS file.

I'd bet money that a PHP class for reading and writing CSS files already
exists, too.

I would agree with you that there are ways in which you can dynamically generate CSS etc with PHP. I have been down that road three four years back. But raquel wants to separate these things out.

First there was barly and hops, then someone made a better way of consumin it - beer.

best regards.

Raditha Dissanayake.
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