
Thank you for your interest.
Our recommendation is, to setup your server environment with Apache first, make sure every thing works, then run LiteSpeed in parallel on different port, sharing the document root, then stop Apache and switch LiteSpeed to port 80. If anything goes wrong, switch back to Apache. The migration could be easier after we finish the Apache conversion tool. :-)
For JSP and Servlets, a external Servlet engine is required, Tomcat or Jetty is fine.
The biggest advantage of running LiteSpeed in front of a servlet engine is, the servlet engine is protected from being abused, the quality of service can be much better.

If you need help with anything, just let us know.

Best regards,
LiteSpeed Team

Ryan A wrote:

I am thinking of using LiteSpeed on a dedicated account that our company has
reciently purchased (P4 2.0GHZ, Linux, 80gb space, 100gb bandwidth.....etc),
anybody out there already using it and facing any problems?

One of the main reasons we want to use it is because of PHP/JSP and


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