Kevin --

...and then KB said...
% OK...more specific...
% I'm running Windows XP Professional with PHP and MySQL and IE6

OK.  Two out of four ain't bad :-)

% What doesn't work:  Anything inside the PHP parameters when running in a
% Frames environment.

Hmmm...  I appreciate your effort, and I bet that you're pulling your
hair out trying to figure out how to give so you can get, but I still
don't really know what you mean.  What is a "PHP parameter"?

% Someone mentioned that I might not have the testing server set up correctly
% and it may be running locally.  Bit of a novice so not too sure about this.

If you can point to your php code and have it execute then you are
probably fine; php that has not been run by the server just looks like
code in your browser.  Your frameset could be pointing to


instead of


though (but you should still get a code dump).

% I have checked the settings for Testing Server in Dreamweaver and it seems
% OK.  (Should I try a Dreamweaver NewsGroup?)

Since frames have no effect on PHP and you're swimming in deep water,
that might not be a bad idea.  You have, however, still not given us much
detail (the only thing I've seen so far is a pair of uuencoded files and,
frankly, I'm too lazy to rip 'em open just because Outhouse doesn't know
how to attach files).

Try saving these two snippets to a directory where your web server can
serve them:

    print "<frameset border=1 rows=20%,*>\n" ;
    print "<frame name='top' src='frame.php?f=top&n=zero'>\n" ;
    print "<frame name='bottom' src='frame.php?f=bot&c=black'>\n" ;
    print "</frameset>\n" ;
    print "<noframes>This is not in the frameset</noframes>\n" ;

    print "Here we are in the frames.<br>\n" ;
      case 'top' :
        print "This is the top frame!<br>\n" ;
        print "Pick a number:\n" ;
        foreach (array('one','two','three') as $n)
          { print "<a href='?f=top&n=$n'>$n</a>  \n" ; }
        print "(Your last pick was {$_GET['n']}.)<br>\n" ;
        break ;
      case 'bot' :
        print "This is the bottom frame *yawn*<br>\n" ;
        print "Pick a color:\n" ;
        foreach (array('red','green','blue') as $c)
          { print "<a href='?f=bot&c=$c'>$c</a>  \n" ; }
        print "(Your last pick was {$_GET['c']}.)<br>\n" ;
        break ;;

The should look like


Now point your web browser to the right place on your server and see if
you see the frameset like you do at

from the examples above.  If you do, then your web server is serving
files and your php is being executed.  You can also probably kick
Dreamweaver in the head for making life hard.  Go and pick up a copy of
vim (it runs on just about any platform) and edit your code the Manly
(and OneTrue ;-) Way!

This could, in fact, be done entirely in one file with no problem...
Just add a default for the switch and print the frameset there.

% Thanks to all for their interest/help so far.

That's why we're here :-)

% Kevin


David T-G                      * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, "Science and Health"      Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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