>   "It Adds Nothing" is absolutely false. Being able to automatically
> respond to the list adds more naturally expected behaviour.
>   I remain steadfast in my opinion that automatically replying to the
> list is a much more natural option.

My opinion is that this is a multi person discussion forum, not a person to
person forum. I get the messages from the php-general list, not from any
individuals here. I reply to the list, not to the individuals. If I post a
message I expect replies to come from the list so everyone can read them and
fill in their comments. I don't see the point of answering questions posted
on the list privately since it then, IMHO, breaks the purpose of the list.

I read and learn many things just following the discussions on the list.
Many times it means I don't have to post a similar question since I already
found the answer. Topics I know that will help me in the future I save so I
don't have to add noise to the list.

I have got several private replies to posts on the PHP lists that I am sure
was intended to be posted to the list and not privately to me. If I need to
follow up on it I post I back to the list, but then I have to quote most of
the comments I got since no one else on the list have seen them.

Another benefit by having the Reply-To rewritten to the list address is that
I then wont have to get x number of auto replies from mail servers informing
me that the receivers mailbox is full. Posting to this list generates about
3-5 such messages at the moment. When I posted to the install list I got
10++ such messages and other "shit" that I don't want.

A properly configured list would easily filter this out and I would never
see them.

I am not demanding this to be changed. These lists are important enough for
me to live with these problems. I would be very grateful though if the
moderator(s) decided it would be a good idea to make this change.


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