
I'm currently working on my first e-commerce site and would like to offer my client the option of adding, maybe 3, related products for each product using the CMS I'm developing. I guess this would be much like Amazon et all.

I don't think getting the info into the db will be a problem, what I see as a problem is how an admin will select 3 out of 200+ products. Obviously a drop down is a bad idea, but so would a alphabetical list. has anyone got any insight into the best way to solve this.



jon bennett | [EMAIL PROTECTED] new media designer / developer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

J b e n . n e t

91 Gloucester Rd,  Trowbridge,  Wilts,  BA14 0AD
t: +44 (0) 1225 341039 w: http://www.jben.net/

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