Would I be right in thinking that php alone can't change the content of a dropdown once the browser has loaded the file without a page refresh ??? In which case I need to source out some javascript, anyone got anything that might help me (code, tute, urls etc) as I'm not having much luck with google ??



jon bennett | [EMAIL PROTECTED] new media designer / developer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

J b e n . n e t

91 Gloucester Rd,  Trowbridge,  Wilts,  BA14 0AD
t: +44 (0) 1225 341039 w: http://www.jben.net/

On 4 Dec 2003, at 14:57, Jon Bennett wrote:

How about a dropdown for each category (max 25 products per cat I'd think) with either a series of radio buttons or another dropdown to determine the order of preference (1,2 or3), how would something like that stand up to the user interface and usuability bods ??

Dang, that wouldn't work, because it would only give you the option to add one product from each category, bugger! Could only do the above if I repeated all the dropdowns for each cat 3 times!

How easy is it to change the content of a dropdown without page refreshes ??? I could then have a dropdown for categories and a dynamic dropdown for the products in that category, that would be much easier to repeat.



jon bennett | [EMAIL PROTECTED] new media designer / developer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

J b e n . n e t

91 Gloucester Rd,  Trowbridge,  Wilts,  BA14 0AD
t: +44 (0) 1225 341039 w: http://www.jben.net/

On 4 Dec 2003, at 14:02, Justin French wrote:

On Thursday, December 4, 2003, at 11:42 PM, Jon Bennett wrote:

I'm currently working on my first e-commerce site and would like to offer my client the option of adding, maybe 3, related products for each product using the CMS I'm developing. I guess this would be much like Amazon et all.

I don't think getting the info into the db will be a problem, what I see as a problem is how an admin will select 3 out of 200+ products. Obviously a drop down is a bad idea, but so would a alphabetical list. has anyone got any insight into the best way to solve this.

Why is a drop-down a bad idea? My only concerns would be

a) bloated code (200 options at 20 chars each = 4000 chars (4k?)
b) a long list to scroll through for the user
c) combo boxes wouldn't allow the user to choose the order of the three related products -- you'd need 3 drop-down menu's for that :)

Perhaps it could be a series of drop-downs (CDs|Books|Videos or A-K|L-Z etc)

The other solutions I have depend on your target market -- for a CMS in a controlled environment and limited user group, you might be able to get away with the following ideas:

1. Using CSS2's overflow property to create a little scrollable area. Again, these could be broken into categories to make it easier for the user.

<div style='height:50px; overflow:auto'>
<input type='checkbox' name='foo' value='1' />A product<br />
<input type='checkbox' name='foo' value='1' />A product<br />
<input type='checkbox' name='foo' value='1' />A product<br />
<input type='checkbox' name='foo' value='1' />A product<br />
<input type='checkbox' name='foo' value='1' />A product<br />

2. Javascript pop-up -- you could take this part of the process out of the main window, and into a JS pop-up window which let's the user dig through categories, do searches, WHATEVER to find each product. Then some JS code on the pop-up could talk back to the main window and 'fill in' 3 text-fields / hidden fields with the related product ID's / descriptions / etc.

You'd need to know a fair bit about JS, or get some serious help here, but IT CAN BE DONE.

Justin French

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