Freedomware wrote:
I'm running Windows XP Pro and just installed Apache 1.3. It appears to be running, so I guess I'm ready to install PHP.

I visited and downloaded the latest PHP program - CVS (5.0.x-dev). I'm reading the installation instructions at and find them fairly confusing.

First, it says, "There are two main ways to install PHP for Windows: either manually or by using the InstallShield installer."

I definitely want to do it the easy way, but how do I access the InstallShield installer?

But it appears that I first have to do two other things:

1. Stop Apache

2. Decide whether I want to install PHP as a CGI or something else (a module?)

So how do I stop Apache, and should I install PHP as a CGI or choose the other option? I'm going to be using PHP on websites, primarily to make server side includes and, eventually, to do some work with databases.

The instructions say, "Once the installation has completed the installer will inform you if you need to restart your system, restart the server, or just start using PHP."

I assume this refers to using the InstallShield, which renders just about everything else on the installation instructions page moot, right?

If I use the InstallShield, will I still have to install the Windows extensions, or are they installed automatically?

Later, the instructions talk about Installing PHP on Windows with Apache 1.3.x. It says, "There are two ways to set up PHP to work with Apache 1.3.x on Windows. One is to use the CGI binary (php.exe), the other is to use the Apache module dll. In either case you need to stop the Apache server, and edit your httpd.conf or srm.conf to configure Apache to work with PHP. We'll refer to either of these files with httpd.conf in the text."

Is this all done automatically if I use the InstallShield?


I don't want to sound like a jerk, but most of the questions you have been asking are thoroughly documented on places like the PHP and Apache websites, and in the README files. This list is here to help, but it's best if you do a bit of research first before posting a question to it. Check the documentation of the app you have a question about first, if you don't find the answer there, try Google, if still no luck, then this list is a good "next stop". As for your questions....

Installing PHP...

Stopping Apache 1.3x...

Stopping Apache 2.x...


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