Errm... Just unzip the php zip, so that php.exe is located in c:\php (or D:\
or something).. For example C:\php\php.exe... Then, find your Apache config
file in the Apache\conf folder, named httpd.conf.. Open it, scroll down to
the bottom, then add

LoadFile C:/PHP/php5ts.dll
LoadModule C:/PHP/php5Apache.dll
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php5
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

Then restart Apache, 'NET STOP Apache', 'NET START Apache' for example..., click install..
// DvDmanDT
MSN: dvdmandt€
Mail: dvdmandt€
"Freedomware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev i meddelandet
> I'm running Windows XP Pro and just installed Apache 1.3. It appears to
> be running, so I guess I'm ready to install PHP.
> I visited and downloaded the latest PHP program -
> CVS (5.0.x-dev). I'm reading the installation instructions at
> and find them fairly
> confusing.
> First, it says, "There are two main ways to install PHP for Windows:
> either manually or by using the InstallShield installer."
> I definitely want to do it the easy way, but how do I access the
> InstallShield installer?
> But it appears that I first have to do two other things:
> 1. Stop Apache
> 2. Decide whether I want to install PHP as a CGI or something else (a
> module?)
> So how do I stop Apache, and should I install PHP as a CGI or choose the
> other option? I'm going to be using PHP on websites, primarily to make
> server side includes and, eventually, to do some work with databases.
> The instructions say, "Once the installation has completed the installer
> will inform you if you need to restart your system, restart the server,
> or just start using PHP."
> I assume this refers to using the InstallShield, which renders just
> about everything else on the installation instructions page moot, right?
> If I use the InstallShield, will I still have to install the Windows
> extensions, or are they installed automatically?
> Later, the instructions talk about Installing PHP on Windows with Apache
> 1.3.x. It says, "There are two ways to set up PHP to work with Apache
> 1.3.x on Windows. One is to use the CGI binary (php.exe), the other is
> to use the Apache module dll. In either case you need to stop the Apache
> server, and edit your httpd.conf or srm.conf to configure Apache to work
> with PHP. We'll refer to either of these files with httpd.conf in the
> Is this all done automatically if I use the InstallShield?
> Thanks.

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