Nah... Maybe we're both confused. Is this a java app you wrote or one that you found somewhere? If you know how to control the camera from java and you know how to work in java, you could build yourself a quick and dirty command-line java application, then feed it commands from php using exec or something similar.

        -- jon

------ jon roig web developer

Tom Playford wrote:

jon wrote:

Can you just send a command line java app commands from php?

I'm not sure what you're getting at.

Do you mean writing the Java code in the php page? I didn't know php could compile the code on the fly, can it? Or do you mean something else?


-- jon

Tom Playford wrote:

Dear all knowing list,

I am trying to control the movement of a camera in real time from the web. But I also need to make sure that only the user I specify can have control.

What I though I could do was this: launch a java applet from a php page parsing the session id. Then when the user adjusts the controls on the applet, a php page is loaded by the applet, sets the user session with the session id, then sends the control details back to the server and on to the camera.

I've given this a go with no luck. When I try to set the session id on the php script that the Java applet loads I get a permissions error (the perms on /tmp are fine). I'm not 100% sure I understand sessions, is my method utterly implausible? Does anyone have any better suggestions?


Tom Playford


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