Hello everybody,

I want to use RewriteUrl and open_basedir-restriction in a virtual
host-directive together.

1) RewriteUrl

DocumentRoot /srv/www
RewriteRule ^/(.*)/(.*)$                /$1/$2

This redirects the request http://domain.de/dir1/dir2 to the local files
/srv/www/dir1/dir2/ and works fine.

2) Then I want use the open_basedir-restriction like
"php_admin_value open_basedir /srv/www/dir1"

To use it dynamically I want to use the content of the variable $1 in
the open_basedir-restriction. It would be sth. like this:
"php_admin_value open_basedir /srv/www/$1", but it doesn´t work. The
variable $1 won´t parsed.

Do you know any other way?


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