On Fri, May 21, 2004 at 08:16:30AM -0700, jon wrote:
> Nah... Maybe we're both confused. Is this a java app you wrote or one 
> that you found somewhere? If you know how to control the camera from 
> java and you know how to work in java, you could build yourself a quick 
> and dirty command-line java application, then feed it commands from php 
> using exec or something similar.

Well the whole point of the java applet was to provide a nice, drag and drop interface 
to move the camera around. I already have a pure php version, it just doesn't look 
that nice and you can't drag things around.

I don't think I explained myself very well.

You can see the applet here:
It does very little at the moment.


> Tom Playford wrote:
> >jon wrote:
> >
> >>Can you just send a command line java app commands from php?
> >
> >
> >I'm not sure what you're getting at.
> >
> >Do you mean writing the Java code in the php page? I didn't know php 
> >could compile the code on the fly, can it? Or do you mean something else?
> >
> >
> >Tom
> >
> >>
> >>    -- jon
> >>
> >>Tom Playford wrote:
> >>
> >>>Dear all knowing list,
> >>>
> >>>I am trying to control the movement of a camera in real time from the 
> >>>web. But I also need to make sure that only the user I specify can 
> >>>have control.
> >>>
> >>>What I though I could do was this: launch a java applet from a php 
> >>>page parsing the session id. Then when the user adjusts the controls 
> >>>on the applet, a php page is loaded by the applet, sets the user 
> >>>session with the session id, then sends the control details back to 
> >>>the server and on to the camera.
> >>>
> >>>I've given this a go with no luck. When I try to set the session id 
> >>>on the php script that the Java applet loads I get a permissions 
> >>>error (the perms on /tmp are fine). I'm not 100% sure I understand 
> >>>sessions, is my method utterly implausible? Does anyone have any 
> >>>better suggestions?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>Thanks,
> >>>
> >>>Tom Playford
> >>>
> >
> >
> >.
> >

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