Hi, all --

I am working up a CGI script to take advantage of Apache's suEXEC so that
the web server can manipulate files as the site owner.  I have already
managed a simple

  $f = fopen("/path/to/docroot/testfile",'w') ;
  fwrite($f,"hi!\n") ;
  fclose($f) ;

and know that it works as intended, but now I seem completely unable to
get any $_POST (or even $_GET) data into the script.  I suspect, from
reading the manual and noting the warnings, that any GET data will be
ignored, and that's fine, but I know that I can provide that without even
messing about with a form that I might somehow be screwing up, so I
thought I'd try it...

My code is as simple as

    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n" ;
    print "_POST IS ." ; print_r($_POST) ; print ".<br>\n" ;
    print "_GET IS ." ; print_r($_GET) ; print ".<br>\n" ;
    print "Enter your password:<br>\n" ;
    print "<form method='post'>\n" ;
    print "<input type='password' name='pass'>\n" ;
    print "<br>\n<input type='submit' value='ENTER'>\n" ;
    print "</form>\n" ;
    exit ;

but I only get

  _POST IS .Array ( ) .
  _GET IS .Array ( ) .
  Enter your password:

even after submitting.  Switching to

  <form method='get'>

doesn't help anything.

So how on earth does one get data into a CGI PHP script?


David T-G
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/      Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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