Curt, et al --

...and then Curt Zirzow said...
% * Thus wrote David T-G ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
% > 
% >   bash-2.05a$ /usr/local/bin/php -v
% >   PHP 4.3.4 (cli) (built: Jan  6 2004 15:27:52)
% that cli should be cgi.
% I'm assuming you compiled php with something like:
%    configure --with-apxs=/yada/apxs [other options]

Yep.  And with CLI enabled, too.

% What you need to do is recompile php with configure like:
%    configure --[other options]

Gotcha.  Thanks for the pointers.

% Then make will build a cgi binary in sapi/cgi/php, relative to your build
% directory.  If you want both versions (cgi and cli) you'll have to
% manually place the cgi version of php somewhere else than
% /usr/local/bin or name it something php_cgi. And then reference
% that file in you php script.

I found where our support crew had built the current version not quite
six months ago, and that a lovely buildme file with our approximately 8
billion --with* params in it, so I just copied the tree, pulled apxs out,
rebuilt, and copied the CGI php somewhere as you suggest.  And now I have
post data; yippee :-)

Thanks also for your other response.  Finding the build tree was
definitely the easier route :-)


David T-G
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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