"Lester Caine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> So don't know what goes wrong, but were running Apache 2.0.50, PHP5.0.0 on 
> XP-SP1 and probably style sheets were going wrong. Switch back to W2k SP3 
> and all is fine (SP4 screws up various other network apps) so we stay with 
> that until Linux is acceptable :)

I think the problem is not that IE (as you said elsewhere) is crap. Probably 
it is your assumtion that it is crap that caused you to avoid adequate 
diagnosis of the problem. You sure did not provide an adequate description 
of the problem, which is a very likely cause of not getting a response (from 

In particular, XP SP2 does have popup blocking capability that works by 
showing a small window at the top of a page. This is similar to what you 
described, but if what you were encountering was the XP SP2 popup blocker, 
then you sure did not understand the problem. If you do not describe a 
problem well, then it is impossible to get useful help.

If your pages use popups then XP SP2 will block them at the client end 
unless the client's owner chooses to see them. This probably is upsetting 
for you, but don't blame Microsoft for simply doing what is wanted by most 
of their customers.

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