<snip lots of garbage>

OK, I'm going to jump in and try and take a stab at this.  

Sam, if you wouldn't mind answering a question: are you still unable
to connect to your mysql server?

I'll also add that your understanding of firwalls is lacking. 
Regardless of where your server is (local or remote), there is still a
client-server relationship happening.  If you are trying to connect to
localhost/ (use the latter as previously recommended), your
system is acting as the server.  ANY consumer firewall (free or
otherwise) is going to block incoming packets not related to an
already established connection, regardless of where they originate.

Lots of consumer firewalls are going filter traffic on localhost
because lots of vicious spyware out there are starting to install
"daemons" on systems then rewiriting the HOSTS files to pull ads from
the localhost rather then hitting the marketers servers.  If you don't
believe me, google for "spyware HOSTS file".  To assume that your
firewall (ZoneAlarm, XP, or otherwise) is not in play here is false.

At this point, you need to disable the firewall completely (just for
testing) and/or find a way to open the MySQL port (port 3306) on
localhost to incoming traffic in your firewall.  I know that you don't
think this is the problem, but the only way you are going to know is
if you try.

I'm sorry that you feel its a time-consuming process.  I'm sorry that
you are confused about the involvement of the firewall.  I'm sorry
that you feel you know better than everyone on this list.  Just try
this and prove us wrong.


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