Hey, the reason it doesnt come in to play for you in linux, is becuase
mysql by default will connect through a unix socket, and not over
tcpip.  The unix socket is a connection thru the filesystem and not the
network.  Also, in linux, there is a virtual device for lopback, and the
firewall i dont beleive has any effect on the loopback device.  In
windows however, depending on what version, mysql will connect using
tcp/ip, unless told otherwise, in this case, Sam supplied localhost to
his connect function, which tells mysql explicitly to use the network
over a named pipe.


John Nichel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Steve Brown wrote:
> > <snip lots of garbage>
> > 
> > OK, I'm going to jump in and try and take a stab at this.  
> > 
> > Sam, if you wouldn't mind answering a question: are you still unable
> > to connect to your mysql server?
> > 
> > I'll also add that your understanding of firwalls is lacking. 
> > Regardless of where your server is (local or remote), there is still a
> > client-server relationship happening.  If you are trying to connect to
> > localhost/ (use the latter as previously recommended), your
> > system is acting as the server.  ANY consumer firewall (free or
> > otherwise) is going to block incoming packets not related to an
> > already established connection, regardless of where they originate.
> > 
> > Lots of consumer firewalls are going filter traffic on localhost
> > because lots of vicious spyware out there are starting to install
> > "daemons" on systems then rewiriting the HOSTS files to pull ads from
> > the localhost rather then hitting the marketers servers.  If you don't
> > believe me, google for "spyware HOSTS file".  To assume that your
> > firewall (ZoneAlarm, XP, or otherwise) is not in play here is false.
> <snip>
> This is why I originally said that the firewall shouldn't 
> matter...coming from the *nix world, it doesn't.  Even if I close off 
> port 3306 with iptables/ipchains, it's still going to allow local 
> connections, since the request is coming from, and going too localhost. 
>   I guess with Windows, you need to close internal and external 
> connections to be save. ;)
> -- 
> John C. Nichel
> ÜberGeek
> KegWorks.com
> 716.856.9675
> -- 
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