John Holmes wrote:

"Sam Hobbs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

One problem is that I get answers that are not accurate, so it is
difficult to know which ones are accurate.

You are correct about that. Personally, I not satisfied with the level of

support I get from the people paid to monitor this list and help me out when
I have a problem, either. Just imagine if the people on this list were
volunteers and "just trying to help"... good god, that'd be horrible,
wouldn't it?

John I think you should be fired. By skimming a few posts I have gathered that sam knows a lot more than you or the other john or chris (or the other chris) or curt et al. My appologies to the people I haven't mentioned by name but you will be getting your letters of termination shortly.

---John Holmes...

Raditha Dissanayake.
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