In article <9bho4e$r7p$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Plutarck") wrote:

> Also be extremely careful about the use of <noframes> and browser sniffing.
> So many sites do something classically stupid so that when someone sees
> their site in a search engine, the description is "Your browser does not
> support frames. Your browser must support frames to view this site."...I
> just want to slap the webmaster every time I see that.

I've been working on a mini-spider project that's been quite an eye-opener 
about another slap-worthy practice: an appalling number of splash pages 
consisting of nothing but a graphic (no alt tags, no title tag, no metas) 
and an "enter" link that must fetch its href from a javascript function.  
And these are sites that do want to be indexed!


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