"Jon Shoberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So I was having a conversation with a manager/educator in the IT Industry
> In a discussion concerning search engines he stated how he dislikes
> web pages (PHP/ASP/JSP/CFM) because search engine spiders 'choke' on
> content or gives those pages a lower ranking.

Some do, some don't.

> I can't see this as being true. I epically can't see the search spider
"choking" on dynamic pages
> returning well-formed/valid HTML.

Well, some search engines see URLs with query strings at the end and assume
the content is dynamic.  And because a lot of dynamic content changes,
indexing dynamic webpages can lead to search results listing webpages that
no longer have the content that they did when they were indexed.  As a
result, searches on the search engine will be less effective and users may
choose to use a different search engine.  Anyone with dynamically generated
content that remains pretty static that wants these pages to be indexed by
search engines should make the webpages appear to be static.  I wrote about
this in another thread a couple of weeks ago.  Here's the message:
http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=php-general&m=98618455619989&w=2.  The sex
offender registries, news, books, sites, polls, etc. at one of the sites I
developed and administer are all dynamically generated using PHP and MySQL
and the site makes use of Apache's AliasMatch directive which allows me to
redirect most of the pages on the site to a single PHP file (I call it
template_1.php) which uses regular expressions to parse a page's URL and
include the proper content.  If you want to see it in action take a look at

Steve Werby
President, Befriend Internet Services LLC

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