
I have searched for this answer on google and even
written on a few forums asking for an answer, am just
trying my luck here as I am sure quite a few list
users use DreamWeaver.

By default dreamweaver outputs tags like this:

<img src="foo.gif" class="blah">

As you can see from the above the values are always
enclosed in double quotes by default, how can i change
the default to be single quotes?

<img src='foo.gif' class='blah'>

I am tired of everytime copying it into notepad and
then running a replace all before inserting it into
the db.

I am doing this as I am putting the entire content of
a html page into the DB and the double quotes are
screwing things up for me.
I have thought of doing a str_replace() for the double
quotes but thats extra processing which can be a
headache if its a large page.

Or if I am barking up the wrong tree and this is not
possible (changing DWs default behavior, just tell me
and will stop searching. 


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