On Tue, 2008-04-22 at 14:41 +0200, Paul Scott wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-04-22 at 13:34 +0100, Richard Heyes wrote:
> > Absolutely. Personally I use a lot of disparate libraries, a lot of them 
> > from PEAR. Doing this I've never found the need or the inclination to 
> > use a "framework".
> > 
> But that is kind of a framework!
> You get two kinds of framework in PHP IMHO - the Glue frameworks (like
> Chisimba, CakePHP etc) and the component frameworks (like PEAR, Zend
> Framework etc).
> What you are describing is simply a component framework. Just because
> you choose not to call it a framework, does not mean that it is not a
> framework.

Yep, PEAR certainly is a framework *lol*.

Application and Templating Framework for PHP

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