On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 10:04 AM, tedd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi gang:
> More of a question of method rather than of "right" or "wrong" -- of the two
> methods mentioned here, which way would be "better" and why?
> 1. Setting $GLOBALS one time as shown here.
> At 12:23 AM -0400 6/19/08, Robert Cummings wrote:
>> And the variables are defined in config.php
>> --------------
>> config.php
>> --------------
>> <?php
>> //Mysql vars
>> $GLOBALS['mysql_host'] = "localhost";
>> $GLOBALS['mysql_user'] = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
>> $GLOBALS['mysql_pass'] = "";
>> ?>
> 2. Or, setting variables as shown below and including them when needed?
> --------------
> config.php
> --------------
> <?php
> //Mysql vars
> $localhost = 'localhost';
> $mysql_user = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
> $mysql_pass = '';
> ?>
> Cheers,
> tedd
> --
> -------
> http://sperling.com  http://ancientstones.com  http://earthstones.com
> --
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I use a static class for my config.  I know using an array would be
faster but I need to have consistency between the projects.

An example would be:

$_cfg = array(
    'local.writable.path'   => $localPath .'writable/',
    'local.template.path'   => $localPath .'templates/',
    'root'                  => '/'
$_cfg['fck.editor.url']     = $_cfg['currentHost'].'lib/FCKEditor/';
$_cfg['fck.config']         = $_cfg['currentHost'].'lib/FCKEditor/';
$_cfg['fck.config.js.url']  = $_cfg['currentHost'].'fckconfig.js.php';



$root = blah_Config::get('root');

Out of the two methods that you described, I would go with the
$GLOBALS.  Although I would make sure to put my config into a separate
array so that there is less chance of collisions.  The reason I would
use the globals array is because it is very obvious that you are using
a global variable that came from somewhere else.  Plus there is a much
smaller chance that you will create a $GLOBALS entry for a temp
variable that would overwrite your $db_host variable.

$GLOBALS['config']['db_host'] = 'localhost';

If it is only you working on your project never using any outside code
it really doesn't matter though.

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