So far this message and another who mentioned $HTTP_POST_VARS[]
  made a small light go off in my head.  Not enough to get the script 
woriking, but it made me think.  Its not clear, but I sort of came up 
with another way, but I dont know if its doable
In my form I have a hidden element called 'post' with a value of 1.
After the end of the form I echo $post.
If its a first time view, there is nothing to output, thats normal.
If I submitted the form it echoes 1, thats to be expected.
Now, Im able to tell if the form has been posted or not.
Enter some logic......
if ($post = "1" && $Age = " ") {echo "NO";}
else {echo "YES";}
Now here is what happens.  On a first time view of the page it outputs 
'NO' (Good).  If I dont enter anything in the age field and submit the 
form it outputs 'NO' (Good).  If I enter a value into the age field and 
submit, it outputs 'NO' (Not Good).

Am I heading in the right direction with this??

Michael J. Seely wrote:

> I do this sort of thing all the time.  The format I use typically 
> follows this logic.
> The PHP file has four IF-ELSEIF-ELSE sections.
>    pg=1 or blank  is the initial form
>    pg=2 is the error check looking at input values.
>     If it passes, pg is set to 3.
>     If not, set to 1. The advantage of this is the original input values 
> can be saved and displayed with Value=<? ECHO..?> sequences so the use 
> doesn't have to input everything if they make a mistake.  The error can 
> be highlighted with a color or text!!!.
>    pg=3 shows a visual verification page. The user can scan the input 
> and use the back button to make changes or click OK to proceed.
>    pg=4 is the action step - send an e-mail including the input, post 
> input to a database or ???
> The sections are written in this order - 2, 4, 3, 1.
> IF($pg="2")
>     { do the error checking
>     e.g., if fields A, B, and C are not blank = OK
>     e.g., if a value is > 100 = not OK
>        IF OK, $pg=3;  IF not OK, $pg=1;
>     }
> ELSEIF($pg="4")
>     { do the action stuff.
>     }
> ELSEIF($pg="3")
>     { show an html page in a nice format showing the input values
>        IF they like it, the form submit button sets pg=4, and uses 
> hidden fields to copy all of the input values to pg 4.
>     }
>     { Show the initial input form.
>     use <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="pg" VALUE="2">
>     }
> The form can include error check and input tags like this:
> <? IF(($pg="1") and ($val3==""))
>     { ECHO"<FONT COLOR=RED>Required.</FONT><BR>"; } ?>
> <TEXTAREA WRAP="SOFT" NAME="val3" COLS="50" ROWS="5"><? ECHO "$val3"; 
> <INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="v2" VALUE="6" <?IF($v2=="6") { ECHO "CHECKED"; 
> } ?> >6
> <INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="v2" VALUE="7" <?IF($v2=="7") { ECHO "CHECKED"; 
> } ?> >7
> and so on.  Hope this is useful...
>> Im trying to introduce some logic into a form.I am unsing $PHP_SELF as 
>> the target.
>> <form action=\"$PHP_SELF\" method=\"POST\" type=\"multipart/form-data\">
>> I have a text area that the user inputs their age.  What I want is 
>> that if the field is blank, to stop the script and send the user back 
>> to fill in their age.  My problem now is that if I go to the blank 
>> application form, The script interprets the form as being blank and 
>> spits out the error.  Ideal scenario, a blank form is presented to the 
>> user, and when the form is submitted, do the logic check and act 
>> accordingly.  Is it possible using $PHP_SELF as the target, or do I 
>> have to use 2 files: a form 'front end' with the php logic in the 
>> 'backend'??
>> if ($Age = " ") {
>>         echo "Please go back and enter your age."; } exit();
>> Thanks
>> Gerard
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