I personally think it is best to display a form error on the form itself,
rather than given them a blank page that shows an error, then have them
click a button or link to go back to the form. Here is somewhat a quick and
dirty example of how I go about forms and error checking. For this example I
am only checking for a required field, you can elaborate on this and check
to see if input for age is numerical, or whatever other type of
error-checking you may need to do:


   // check required fields
   if(!age ||
      $formerror = "You did not fill in all required fields";


   // if form passed all error checks continue processing
      // continue processessing...


<? if(!$HTTP_POST_VARS || $formerror): ?>

   <FORM ACTION="<? echo "$PHP_SELF";  ?>" METHOD="post">
   <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="name" VALUE="<? echo "$name"; ?>">
   <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="age" VALUE="<? echo "$age"; ?>">
   <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit Form">

<? endif; ?>

Hope this helps.

-----Original Message-----
From: Gerard Samuel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 3:30 PM
Subject: [PHP] PHP_SELF

Im trying to introduce some logic into a form.I am unsing $PHP_SELF as
the target.
<form action=\"$PHP_SELF\" method=\"POST\" type=\"multipart/form-data\">

I have a text area that the user inputs their age.  What I want is that
if the field is blank, to stop the script and send the user back to fill
in their age.  My problem now is that if I go to the blank application
form, The script interprets the form as being blank and spits out the
error.  Ideal scenario, a blank form is presented to the user, and when
the form is submitted, do the logic check and act accordingly.  Is it
possible using $PHP_SELF as the target, or do I have to use 2 files: a
form 'front end' with the php logic in the 'backend'??

if ($Age = " ") {
         echo "Please go back and enter your age."; } exit();


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