
I've got a program set up like you describe.

the problem is I've noticed that my variables are NOT stable

this is it in a nutshell

1) show 3 options with radio buttons for each

2) based on above  query a database and show a list of the records
(now it just dawned on my that I've been doing this with URL's and that might be the 

3) show all of the fields in the record to edit as necessary.
4) update the table

1,2,3 work fine.  I save the id number of the record.  however, it isn't persistent.  
suddenly the variable is set to null.

am I just not understanding how php scripts work?

or is my usage of URL's in appropriate.  I'm new to the world of php.



On Mon, 30 Jul 2001 17:14:53 -0700, Michael J. Seely wrote:

>I do this sort of thing all the time.  The format I use typically 
>follows this logic.
>The PHP file has four IF-ELSEIF-ELSE sections.
>    pg=1 or blank  is the initial form
>    pg=2 is the error check looking at input values.
>       If it passes, pg is set to 3.
>       If not, set to 1. The advantage of this is the original input 
>values can be saved and displayed with Value=<? ECHO..?> sequences so 
>the use doesn't have to input everything if they make a mistake.  The 
>error can be highlighted with a color or text!!!.
>    pg=3 shows a visual verification page. The user can scan the input 
>and use the back button to make changes or click OK to proceed.
>    pg=4 is the action step - send an e-mail including the input, post 
>input to a database or ???
>The sections are written in this order - 2, 4, 3, 1.
>       { do the error checking
>       e.g., if fields A, B, and C are not blank = OK
>       e.g., if a value is > 100 = not OK
>          IF OK, $pg=3;  IF not OK, $pg=1;
>       }
>       { do the action stuff.
>       }
>       { show an html page in a nice format showing the input values
>          IF they like it, the form submit button sets pg=4, and 
>uses hidden fields to copy all of the input values to pg 4.
>       }
>       { Show the initial input form.
>       use <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="pg" VALUE="2">
>       }
>The form can include error check and input tags like this:
><? IF(($pg="1") and ($val3==""))
>     { ECHO"<FONT COLOR=RED>Required.</FONT><BR>"; } ?>
><INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="v2" VALUE="6" <?IF($v2=="6") { ECHO 
>"CHECKED"; } ?> >6
><INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="v2" VALUE="7" <?IF($v2=="7") { ECHO 
>"CHECKED"; } ?> >7
>and so on.  Hope this is useful...
>>Im trying to introduce some logic into a form.I am unsing $PHP_SELF 
>>as the target.
>><form action=\"$PHP_SELF\" method=\"POST\" type=\"multipart/form-data\">
>>I have a text area that the user inputs their age.  What I want is 
>>that if the field is blank, to stop the script and send the user 
>>back to fill in their age.  My problem now is that if I go to the 
>>blank application form, The script interprets the form as being 
>>blank and spits out the error.  Ideal scenario, a blank form is 
>>presented to the user, and when the form is submitted, do the logic 
>>check and act accordingly.  Is it possible using $PHP_SELF as the 
>>target, or do I have to use 2 files: a form 'front end' with the php 
>>logic in the 'backend'??
>>if ($Age = " ") {
>>         echo "Please go back and enter your age."; } exit();
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