I am actually an ASP developer who is trying to take my current company in
the LAMP direction.  I have been working on ASP/Win32/Just about everything
else Microsoft can throw out, and now I am really realizing the benifits of
a LAMP environment.  I think during the gold rush, a lot of small businesses
went with the MSSQL platform and all the cronies surrounding it because it
was very quick, rather cheap (initially) to fill the positions and the only
stick was with licensing.

Now you are seeing companies with huge overheads and low income falling to
the floor.  Those that always tried to maintain an equal overhead versus
income (a business plan), you see all that many more Win32 people (like
myself) branching out in ways to help the company to grow yet not incur more
expenses as it does. (Didnt I hear the licenseing of MS products in going

So I do believe that the true time for LAMP is coming.  Heck, it may
actually be the thing that can pull the IT industry out of the slump if
adopted by more companies.  Dollars can better be spent paying bright
individuals like all of us to be more creative with less overhead.

Just my 2 cents anyways :P

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Kimsal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Vincent Stoessel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Php General Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 7:32 PM
Subject: [PHP] Re: getting a LAMP job in this economy

> Vincent Stoessel wrote:
> > On another list that I am on someone made this very bold
> > statement:
> >
> > "I've seen a lot of jobs for ColdFusion & Oracle or MS SQL server
> > experience combinations.  Don't let anyone fool you, PHP/MySQL is not
> > going to land you a job  [;)] "
> >
> > now, as someone that was making avery good living doing Linux based
> > web application development last year and now among the jobless I am
> > beginning
> > to question the validity of having all of my eggs in the LAMP  (linux
> > apache mysql php)
> > basket.  I just recently built a NT4 to do some win based development
> > on. I still have
> > not installed any development enviroment cause it just feels so alien.
> > Has anyone else
> > out there feeling the pressure of going to the win32 side  to pay the
> > bills.
> > Thoughts?
> >
> >
> This really depends on how you want to work and/or approach 'jobs'.
> Do you consider a job a place to go for 40 hours a week and get a
> paycheck?  Or is it more than that?
> Being able to positively improve an employer's bottom line is always a
> plus you can bring to any 'job' - you're there to do work and make them
> money too.  If you can help by furthering the use of Linux/PHP/etc due
> to the licensing cost issues, so much the better.
> I will never again (bold words I know) *merely* have a job where I'm
> told what to do by someone who doesn't really give a rat's ass about me.
>   :)  (been there done that too many times).  When approaching a job
> now, I would be more proactive about what impact I can make in a
> company, and  the Linux/PHP skills/experience would be a facet of that,
> no doubt.
> Sure, there are many people advertising for "ASP" developers, etc.
> Perhaps they're not finding qualified people, and need to advertise?
> I'd say PHP/MYSQL won't land you a job, but neither will CF, or Java, or
> anything else.  You need to sell YOURSELF, and if you sell your ability
> to further a company's objectives (make money) many won't care what you
> use, or at least won't care to the point of restricting you.  There will
> always be shops that are CF only, or MS only, or whatever.  But there's
> a (growing, I think) number of businesses out there that simply need to
> have things work - be the person who helps them achieve their goals, and
> you'll succeed just fine.
> Michael Kimsal
> http://www.tapinternet.com/php/
> PHP Training Courses
> 734-480-9961
> --
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