>To prove that it works.  My infamous spinning logo example that everyone
>has seen 10 times...
>The phpinfo() with the configure flags are here:
>libswf is compiled in directly and ming.so is built externally and loaded
>in via php.ini.

I've seen it work and even stolen ^H^H^H^H^H^H borrowed it for a talk 
on my laptop (now in the hands of crooks in Spain) so have made it 
work before...

I don't know why my 4.1.2 won't work for the bitmap call, though...

Here are my configure flags:

Yours is:

I've just tried it without "memory-limit" and with disable-debug as I 
thought maybe that was it.

No dice.

How about sending me your libming.so and/or php_ming.so as an attachment?...

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