I thought someone might mention that, but that is actually correct.

The problem is that the variable assigned on the line
$this->DBLink[$MyVars[NAME]] = mysql_connect( $MyVars[HOST] ,
$MyVars[USERNAME] , $MyVars[PASSWORD] ); dissapears and can't be retreived
on the line mysql_select_db( $MyVars[DATABASE] ,
$this->DBLink[$MyVars[LINK]] );.

For instance, if the first line saves $this->DBLink["TEST"], when CHOOSEDB
is called, the command PRINT $this->DBLink["TEST"] will print nothing when
the same line right after the variable is saved would produce something like
"Resource ID #38".

That's the brain twister.

Thanks though!


"Tom Rogers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> Thursday, October 3, 2002, 6:01:53 PM, you wrote:
> O> You know...maybe I should mention where this code is...
> O> I have my main file which loads using 'require.once' a second file
> O> 'everything.php'.
> O> Inside everything.php is a class called 'mainclass' which is called by
> O> mail file.
> O> This class ('mainclass') loads the MySQL class from the previous post
> O> is stored in yet another file, using require.once.
> O> MainClass then calls the MySQL->CONNECT and MySQL->CHOOSEDB functions.
> O> I know this sounds a bit over the top, but it works...at least it
> O> did...until now. I thought I'd mention the circumstances in case that
> O> a difference, which I suspect it will.
> O> Thanks again!
> O> Lewis
> O> "Orangehairedboy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >> Hi everyone! I can't figure out why this doesn't work. The call to the
> >> CONNECT function works and it connects with no problem, and it does
> O> the
> >> Resource ID in $this->DBLink[]...however, when CHOOSEDB is called, the
> >> Resource ID just saved is gone. $this->DBLink is just empty, and I
> >> figure out why...
> >>
> >> Can anyone offer insight on this one?
> >>
> >> class MySQL
> >>  {
> >>  var $DBLink = array();
> >>  function CONNECT ( $MyVars , $MyContents )
> >>   {
> >>   $host = ( $MyVars[PORT] ) ? $MyVars[HOST] . ":" . $MyVars[PORT] :
> >> $MyVars[HOST];
> >>   $this->DBLink[$MyVars[NAME]] = mysql_connect( $MyVars[HOST] ,
> >> $MyVars[USERNAME] , $MyVars[PASSWORD] );
> >>   }
> >>  function CHOOSEDB ( $MyVars , $MyContents )
> >>   {
> >>   mysql_select_db( $MyVars[DATABASE] , $this->DBLink[$MyVars[LINK]] );
> >>   }
> >>  }
> >>
> >>
> >> Thanks!
> >>
> >>
> >> Lewis
> >>
> >>
> Looks like you change the name of the index from NAME to LINK
> and it should be  $this->DBLink[$MyVars['LINK']]
> --
> regards,
> Tom

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