On Mon, 30 Dec 2002 04:11:02 -0700, you wrote:

>The things that bothered me the most:
>o Pg doesn't have DATE_FORMAT()

to_char() accomplishes the same thing, for example:

select to_char(lastlogin, 'FMMM-DD-YYYY FMHH:MI AM') as lastloginf
from users;

>, or the types SET and ENUM.

I'm not sure what SET is, never used it, but ENUM is totally
unnecessary in Postgres because it supports foreign keys.  If you want
a particular field to only allow ENUM('red', 'blue', 'green') then
create a lookup table, insert these values into it, and then set up a
foreign key.  This is more standard anyway, and if you need to update
the set there is no need to touch the database schema.

>o Changing database structure is harder.  With PG, I usually found it
>   easier to dump, edit, then reload the database to make changes I did
>   in MySQL with ALTER TABLE.

True, changing schema is a major PITA with Postgres.  My only real
complaint about it, in fact...

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