
On 02/05/2003 09:44 PM, Edgar Castanedo wrote:
Thanks for your reply. I know that this is going to be a huge task,
but I am hoping that together with the nature of the Open Source
community, we can build an app server which is comparable, if not
better than one of the commercial app servers on the commercial
markets. I'd really like to hear anyone else's feedback. Thanks for
yours Manuel.

BTW... a standalone daemon is exactly what I have in mind. I am in
the process of creating the website for the project. I will have all
of the info there. I'll post the link when it is up.
Here are a few tips for a successful Open Source project:

- Do not do it just to earn recognition in the Open Source community or else you may be seriously disappointed. Do it because you really need it. Once it is useful to you, chances are that it will be already useful to others. So, focus on making it useful for you.

- Do not announce anything until you have it running doing something useful. Forget about wasting time on putting a Web site up now. You will just open expectations on something that you may end up realizing that it is not feasible or you do not have the time and motivation to go ahead.

- Do no expect the world to embrace your project just because it is Open Source. Most people do not really care if the source is open. What they care is that the project is free as in free beer and is useful to them. As for contributors, they will not appear any time soon and certainly not in quantity. It is natural that in the beginning you will get an average of 1 real contributor out of 1000 non-contributing users.

- Make it modular, not just because it is a good way to define the project architecture, but also because it make its viable and easier for other developers to extend your project without many dependencies on the core of the project.

Finally, as in every software project, nothing happens until somebody writes code, so do not get back here until you have something to show . :-)


Manuel Lemos

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