Hi folks,

This is a really great idea.

I'd be happy to help out. php.ug seems like a pretty good directory of UGs,
so it would totally make sense to integrate that with the main site. The
only thing it misses is *when* the meetups happen, but it seems like you,
Andreas, already have ideas for that, which is great :)

As for using php.ug, I would vote to keep it (it is a pretty cool domain),
but I agree with exposing the functionality of php.ug as an API that
php.netcould use to display relevant information. I think all that
needs to happen
on php.net is to have clear, easy-to-find links to how to find more about
the nearest UG to you.

I've never even looked at the source for php.net but I noticed, Hannes,
that you tweeted last night about it being pretty easy to set up locally,
so I may have a play around soon :)


On 5 December 2013 06:42, Andreas Heigl <andr...@heigl.org> wrote:

> Am 05.12.13 06:40, schrieb Hannes Magnusson:
> > Hi all (cross posting ug-admin@ and php-webmaster@)
> >
> > I've been wondering lately what php.net can do to increase cooperation
> > between php.net and the PHP User Groups and get stronger relationship
> > with the community at large.
> >
> > Some things I've been thinking about:
> >  - Printing "hey, did you know there is a PHP User Group meeting
> > 4miles from your location tomorrow?" tips on php.net
> >  - Full UG "registry"
> >  - Better country/region/state/area listing of User Groups
> >  - Improving UG visibility on our frontpage
> >  - UG profile pages
> >  - Presentation/speaker overview
> > ...
> >
> > I see there are ~140 users on this (ug-admins@) list, I guess most of
> > you run or at least are a part of PHP User Groups... is this something
> > you guys are interested in?
> > Do you have any other ideas and/or would be interested in working on
> > this with me?
> >
> > -Hannes
> >
> Hi Hannes.
> Long story short: Yes I'm interested in working on that with you!
> As some of the list-readers already know, there is a place called
> http://php.ug. It's an up-to-date (at least thats what I try) map
> containing all usergroups I know of.
> As I have the coordinates and (possibly) a link to an iCalendar-File of
> the groups events I could do the "hey, did you know there is a PHP User
> Group Meeting just 4 miles from your location tomorrow" stuff without
> problem. That actually was one of the ideas behind php.ug.
> Another idea Tobias Gies brought me up with was to implement a search
> for the nearest usergroup - eventually as an API-call.
> As it's a map, the country/region/state/area "listing" would also be
> possible based on the coordinates.
> Currently I'm working on an interface to promote new/edit existing
> usergroups via login with a social account already associated with the
> usergroup. SO one can promote her "own" usergroup and after a review
> process (which currently is myself looking whether the group exists and
> does some regular meetings) the group is then unlocked and will be
> available on the map.
> As usergroups can provide a link to an iCalendar-File I can output the
> usergroups calendar and events without the need for the usergroup to
> provide theses Event-dates on a different page and probably either
> forget to commit them or forget to inform us about changes. They simply
> have to change their own event-calendar.
> As I'm doing this as a pet-project currently and the original idea was
> to let this be done by the community, I welcome everyone to be part of
> it. And if there is consensus that the project should be associated
> with/added to/included into php.net then I'm happy to talk about it.
> Would be a shame though for the domain ;-)
> Regards
> Andreas
> PS: You can have a look at http://php.ug or when you are interested in
> the code on http://github.com/php-ug/php.ug
> --
>                                                               ,,,
>                                                              (o o)
> +---------------------------------------------------------ooO-(_)-Ooo-+
> | Andreas Heigl                                                       |
> | mailto:andr...@heigl.org                  N 50°22'59.5" E 08°23'58" |
> | http://andreas.heigl.org                       http://hei.gl/wiFKy7 |
> +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | http://hei.gl/root-ca                                               |
> +---------------------------------------------------------------------+

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