Hi all.

Am 05.12.13 16:40, schrieb Beth Tucker Long - Treeline Design, LLC:
> [...]
> 1. I love the idea of hooking it up to Meetup.com. There are a lot of
> user groups that use Meetup.

I would not like to see Meetup.com become a 'de facto' requirement for
usergroups as there are othger ways of setting up their informations.
Although it might be ONE way of doing things.
> 2. I think finding a way to include more details on the website on the
> user group events would be nice, like speaker name, location,
> description, how to RSVP, etc. It would also be nice to be able to
> include a logo for the group.

Personaly I think that it would be best, to make it easy to get the
informations about events in one central place. And when a group adds a
link to the joind.in-event to their Kalendar-Event that link will then
show up in a centralized event-calendar so you can get to the
information rather easily. And I wouldn't want to create a second
joind.in with speaker names, location. description etc as the existing
one already is great! Or h
> 3. Perhaps having a way to search for user group meetings, conferences,
> events, within a certain distance from your location or postal code.
> Also, being able to subscribe to a list so that you are updated when a
> new event is posted within your search criteria would be awesome.
> 4. An easy way for companies to volunteer to sponsor a user group event
> from the calendar page.
> 5. What about a searchable database of speakers willing to speak (and
> speakers can note how far they are willing to travel) so groups can find
> speakers in their area. Also, speakers willing to do remote talks over
> video chat. I think this would be an invaluable resource for people
> trying to start new user groups.

Great Idea!!
> I am really excited about this project. If you need help with anything
> specific, let me know, and if we need to find more devs to work on this,
> I'm happy to mention it in my next php[architect] editorial and see if
> we can drum up some more volunteers.
> Thanks,
> Beth
> On 12/5/2013 3:35 AM, Rafael Dohms wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 9:24 AM, James Titcumb <ja...@asgrim.com> wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> This is a really great idea.
>>> I'd be happy to help out. php.ug seems like a pretty good directory of
>>> UGs,
>>> so it would totally make sense to integrate that with the main site. The
>>> only thing it misses is *when* the meetups happen, but it seems like
>>> you,
>>> Andreas, already have ideas for that, which is great :)
>>> As for using php.ug, I would vote to keep it (it is a pretty cool
>>> domain),
>>> but I agree with exposing the functionality of php.ug as an API that
>>> php.netcould use to display relevant information. I think all that
>>> needs to happen
>>> on php.net is to have clear, easy-to-find links to how to find more
>>> about
>>> the nearest UG to you.
>>> I've never even looked at the source for php.net but I noticed, Hannes,
>>> that you tweeted last night about it being pretty easy to set up
>>> locally,
>>> so I may have a play around soon :)
>>> Thanks
>>> James
>> I have been trying to get something like this together since 2009 at
>> least,
>> and was glad to see PHP.ug pickup and Andreas accomplish it.
>> I would love to see this integrated into php.net because it really
>> needs to
>> do more with the community and not just the language.
>> I think the calendar idea sounds great, hopefully everyone has a calendar
>> available, but I offer my help and my Meetup API wrapper to integrate any
>> UGs that use meetup.
>> *Rafael Machado Dohms*
>> *Developer, Evangelist, Gamer*
>> *http://doh.ms <http://doh.ms/>*

                                                             (o o)
| Andreas Heigl                                                       |
| mailto:andr...@heigl.org                  N 50°22'59.5" E 08°23'58" |
| http://andreas.heigl.org                       http://hei.gl/wiFKy7 |
| http://hei.gl/root-ca                                               |

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