----Resending as I realized that the ug-admin list wasn't copied.


I love these ideas, and I'm happy to help if I can. A few thoughts off the top of my head:

1. I love the idea of hooking it up to Meetup.com. There are a lot of user groups that use Meetup.

2. I think finding a way to include more details on the website on the user group events would be nice, like speaker name, location, description, how to RSVP, etc. It would also be nice to be able to include a logo for the group.

3. Perhaps having a way to search for user group meetings, conferences, events, within a certain distance from your location or postal code. Also, being able to subscribe to a list so that you are updated when a new event is posted within your search criteria would be awesome.

4. An easy way for companies to volunteer to sponsor a user group event from the calendar page.

5. What about a searchable database of speakers willing to speak (and speakers can note how far they are willing to travel) so groups can find speakers in their area. Also, speakers willing to do remote talks over video chat. I think this would be an invaluable resource for people trying to start new user groups.

I am really excited about this project. If you need help with anything specific, let me know, and if we need to find more devs to work on this, I'm happy to mention it in my next php[architect] editorial and see if we can drum up some more volunteers.

On 12/5/2013 3:35 AM, Rafael Dohms wrote:
On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 9:24 AM, James Titcumb <ja...@asgrim.com> wrote:

Hi folks,

This is a really great idea.

I'd be happy to help out. php.ug seems like a pretty good directory of
so it would totally make sense to integrate that with the main site. The
only thing it misses is *when* the meetups happen, but it seems like you,
Andreas, already have ideas for that, which is great :)

As for using php.ug, I would vote to keep it (it is a pretty cool domain),
but I agree with exposing the functionality of php.ug as an API that
php.netcould use to display relevant information. I think all that
needs to happen
on php.net is to have clear, easy-to-find links to how to find more about
the nearest UG to you.

I've never even looked at the source for php.net but I noticed, Hannes,
that you tweeted last night about it being pretty easy to set up locally,
so I may have a play around soon :)


I have been trying to get something like this together since 2009 at least,
and was glad to see PHP.ug pickup and Andreas accomplish it.

I would love to see this integrated into php.net because it really needs to
do more with the community and not just the language.

I think the calendar idea sounds great, hopefully everyone has a calendar
available, but I offer my help and my Meetup API wrapper to integrate any
UGs that use meetup.

*Rafael Machado Dohms*

*Developer, Evangelist, Gamer*
*http://doh.ms <http://doh.ms/>*

Beth Tucker Long
Treeline Design, LLC
807 Arbor Vitae Place
Verona, WI 53593

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