Hojtsy Gabor wrote:

> > No. One revision is not enough. We need the revision history and that
> > should no be in the documentation. Your way is also possible, but to what
> > revision?
> How is the revision history is useful?? Why a simple revision
> number is not enough? OK, lets draw a table:
> +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
> | English mysql.xml history      | Some other lang. mysql.xml history    |
> +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
> | 1.2                            |                                       |
> | 1.3                            |                                       |
> | 1.4                            | Started to translate this revision   *|
> | 1.5                            |                                       |
> | 1.6                            |                                       |
> | 1.7                            |                                       |
> | 1.8                            | Finished with translation of 1.4    **|
> |                                |                                       |
>                                 .                                       .
>                                 .                                       .
>  Some months passed             .                                       .
>                                 .                                       .
> | 14.2                           | Update needed                      ***|
> |                                | Easily updated                        |
> +--------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
> So see the points:
>  * Here the translator need to "write down" somewhere that he/she
>    started the translation with the 1.4 Revision of the en file.
>    Now this can be accomplished by lookin inside the CVS dir, and
>    try to find the file, and copy out the revision number. BUT:
>    Jeroen added the $Revision tag, so there is no need to look into
>    the CVS dir, as the Revision is in the file.
>    At this stage the translator people copies the file to another
>    place, or committing partial translations. If committing partial
>    translations, he can mention in a comment in the Translators file,
>    that he is working on it, but he can even add a comment to the
>    top of the file, that he "reserved" the file.
>  ** At this stage (or with the first commit if it happened in the
>     previous stage) the translator can add a comment to the file,
>     containing the Revision number of the en file named the same in
>     the doctree.
>  *** Some months passed, the file needs some updating, and the
>      new (or the old) translator looks into the file, finds the exact
>      en Revision, makes a diff with that en Revision, and the actual
>      en Revision and gets the diff what needs to be updated/translated.
> I think both the $Revision tag and the comment at the begining of
> the file is useful, and helps much to save time. At least I try
> to keep the hu tree with that structure, exept that all the "meta
> information" about files are stored in the hu Translators file.

A bit long, but +1.

You're right, the "meta information" is not necessary (I've just copied
it from nl/language/basic-syntax.xml :) Maybe we can agree upon a
common style (esp. when we should have common script)?


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