Hi Luca,

thanks you for this proposal, your d-param is what I meant, but only
from within the file (That saves sometimes a second commit, and has
other advantages).

But it shows, that others are also working on this issue.

Maybe we should really try to agree on a common solution for this?


Luca Perugini wrote:

> Hi,
> I've wrote a simple script to have a snapshot of italian translation
> status, module translated, assigned and so on.
> This script use some info write on
>    it/Translators
> and some info taked from
>    en/<section>/CVS/Entries
> With this scrip you can:
>  - check which module is assigned ( a option)
>  - check which module is translated
>                                   ( t option)
>  - check which module is translated/assigned sorted by collab
>                                   ( c option)
>  - check if there's new module on en section
>                                   ( n option)
>  - list module not in sync with  en version
>                                   ( d option)
> use some temp file on /tmp dir
> It's possible to use it on different language section simple translating
> message and using <lang>/Translators with additional info like
> Directory/File          Translator      Status/EN
> ========================================================
> bookinfo.xml            perugini        T1.13
> with
>  - T for translated follow from en revision
>  - A for assigned   follow from en revision
> That's all.
> Luk
> P.S:
>  you need this tools
>  bash
>  awk
>  sed
>  grep
> On 07 Aug 2001 10:46:25 +0200, Thomas wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hojtsy gábor wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > >>I too think that this is not needed for translations. I can't think
> > > of
> > > >>any situation where I would use this. An En-version comment
> > > >>will be at least usable :))
> > > >Whenever I find out a partally translated file, I know at once
> > > >which version is was started from, without diff or reading the
> > > >whole file.
> > >
> > > You will now which French version it was. Where it helps you?
> >
> > You're right. I use a tag like (proposed by Jeroen I think)
> > <!-- up-to-date against phpdoc/en/chapters/security.xml:1.23 -->
> >
> > As soon as I have enough files with this tag, I'll write a simple script
> >
> > which shows me the priority (which file is farest behind) of "my" files.
> >
> > The more users in our language follow this, the more useful it will be
> > (but having a system and a common "living" it are different things :).
> >
> > Cu,
> > Thomas
> >
> >
> --
> ________________________________________________________________
>  Ing. Luca Perugini                     o Linux Consultant
>  Editor PHP Manual Italian language     o mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  SysAdmin                               o http://www.uisp.it
>  SysAdmin                               o http://www.sporty.it
> ________________________________________________________________
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>               Name: checkTr
>    checkTr    Type: text/x-sh
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