Wonderful! This is exactly what I've been longing for on those occasions
when www.php.net/my_question is inaccesible.

I've been browsing the helpfile for a few minutes and what I've noticed
is that the width of the manpage changes a lot. For example the "ClibPDF
functions" and "HTTP functions" pages are wider than most other pages.
The both give me a horizontal scrollbar. 

I assume that this is due to some <code>-tags in the html and not a
result of your coding.

I really like the layout of the pages. However I could not have
deciphered the icons in the head without the mouseover texts.

By the way, my system is Win2k/ie6.

Thanks again!


Fredrik Wahlberg    W: +46-8-54 54 56 12
Fusage AB           C: +46-70-576 16 51
Kungstensgatan 38A  F: +46-8-54 54 56 10
113 59 Stockholm    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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