>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] is right! bz2 is just not right for php. Why have a simple
>> web scripting (and much more..) language if it is harder to open the 
>> manual under Microsoft Windows than actually writing the "Hello World!" 
>> page?

> How about this script:

> <?php
> exec("bzip2 -d php_manual_de.html.bz2");

> No, to be serious, I did write some mails on this list here, to
> stay with .tar.gz and I still think, it is the best for _all_ users.

> Gabor is right when he says, that Windows users should learn, but
> there should be an easy way for _all_ users. Since most Windows users
> are not familiar with command line tools, it is better to offer
> some format which can be unpacked via a GUI like Winzip.

> Just my 0,02 DM (damn Euro ;)

All people here are talking about the win-users and bz2. I guess
most win-users will download the .chm-file, because this offers much
more comfort. Downloading the .chm-file doesn't need any
commandline-tools or unpacking.
And the others are on *nix-like systems, and they are
familiar with bz2 or at least commandline-tools.

I personally don't care about the compression-tools to use, and on win
I am _only_ using the .chm-file. And think about the new
chm-edition...I can't imagine any win-user who wants to miss this :-)

Therefore I can't see any reason to switch back to tar.gz :-)

Just my 2 cents :-)


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