> > Well, as we talked about this in the past, those
> > files are not used at 
> > all, they are just exist... Maybe some script uses
> > one of them, I cannot 
> > remember, but actually they have no use.
> Yep, mostly I look at the status.txt and the
> funcsummary.txt to see what new functions have been
> introduced in the source, and to see which ones have
> yet to be documented. Something like that is useful
> for writing documentation, but an XML solution like
> the one you mention below would be nice too.
> > We talked
> > at that particular 
> > March PHP meeting about having an XML format instead
> > provided for 
> > download at php.net/download-docs for IDEs to use...
> > I already have a 
> > method to generate that (using XSLT) so this would
> > be the first thing to 
> > use xsltproc and not jade ;)) So it would also be
> > nice to start 
> > experimenting with xslt without affecting the
> > current system too much...
> Sure thing. If that can also generate the summaries
> from the source, in such a way as to be make starting
> up a new doc easy, that would be great indeed. Should
> not be too difficult to cruft together a regex to
> generate some skeletons for the undocumented
> functions, it is just the time that is needed to
> invest to create the code (which regretably will be in
> short supply for me).

The functable module in CVS essentially generates
all the needed information (this is the base that
zend.com/phpfunc/ uses).  This generates every function
in the source including the no documentation list.

Also we have /scripts/make_proto.php which generates
skeleton documentation for a new extension which
includes documentation for every function in the
extension.  It also adds the &warn.undocumented.func;

These two beasts are a base for this megabeast you
guys speak of.  I am not the person for this job :)

On a related note, Ilia is creating a script to
compare prototypes from php4 source and the proto
in phpdoc.


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