On Wed, 22 Jan 2003, [ISO-8859-1] Thomas Schöfbeck wrote:
> Hi there,
> looking at the current - esp. for newbies sometimes confusing - manual, 
> where several old info and even functions simply disappeared, but 
> several exlanations and even whole chapters (like 'Migrating from PHP/FI 
> 2 to PHP 3') for PHP 3 still exist, etc., one thought came into my mind:
> Why not take the chance of the intro of PHP 5 and branch the existing 
> manual (still provide the last built version for download), take out all 
> the php 3 chapters (and step by step the old info) to have a clean - 
> structured - manaul explicitly for php 5 just with the differences to 
> the last php 4 version?

PHP 4 isn't much different than PHP 5.  Forking the manual this
way sounds like a lot of needless work.  I'm -1 on this idea as
it doesn't seem useful.  But maybe I'm misunderstanding you.

Regarding PHP 3 specific information, this indeed should be
moved but not simply deleted.  History is good.  Another idea 
would be to move all PHP 3 specific information into a PHP 3 
section and where the information was, point to it instead.  So 
something like:

  <link linkend="php3.something.somewhere">php3 note</link>

This would replace the explanation with a link to the explanation 
in the PHP 3 specific section.  A section that once created will 
never need to be touched.  And I bet there are still a few PHP 3 
users out there :)

> P.S. Other questions like this will follow, like:
> Since we aren't able to build a pdf-version due to a lack of resources: 
> Why don't we make the FAQ an extra document (esp. for 'bundled' builds 
> like chm, pdf, bightml, ... - I've never read a book where chap. 43 
> describes the same thing like chap. 3, just with a question as title ;)?

I see no need to split up the manual like this.  The only
split that makes sense is the developmental manual from
the users manual.  Anything else I disagree with.  The
faq is small and barely affects the overall size of the
PHP manual.  And, information overlap is small but it's 
similar information presented in a different more verbose
way.  The faq should remain in the manual as is.

Decisions should never be based off whether or not a PDF can
be created.  Eventually someone will come up with an idea
to make it work nomatter what size the manual becomes.


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