> > + Unixy Systems
> >   +  Apache 
> >   +  ...
> > + Windows
> >   +  Apache
> >   +  IIS 6 (Win2k3)
> >   +  IIS 5 (Win2k / WinXP)
> >   +  ... 
> The problem is that the different Unix variants have different 
> instructions for Apache: HP-UX, Solaris, MacOSX. How do you 
> think that 
> could fit in here? I don't know myself therefore I ask :)

Are they really all that different?  If it's just a few minor differences,
then those things can be noted as subsections of the server docs:

+ Unixy
  + Apache
    + HP-SUX
    + Slowaris

Etc ;)

If there are a large number of differences for a given platform across the
different servers, it might well be worth giving that platform a section of
it's own at the same level as unix and windows docs.
> Great. I planned to ask people to review the docs, as I also find it 
> silly to move stuff to the system folder, while it will work 
> without it. 
> Also if the php.ini can be found in the php.exe folder in the first 
> place, why not tell people to put it there? It would be much 
> easier to 
> install and remove.

Yes, it's especially important to keep php.ini in the c:\php4 (or C:\php5 dir)
now that we are drawing close to a new major release.

> I have also planned on contacting server 
> vendors to help update the docs. The Sambar vendor added the right 
> instuctions as user comments on the sambar page for example.

That's good.  I hope the others are helpful :)


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