The "move all SAPI dlls to the root PHP folder" instruction is missing from the docs. It is advised that for the servers to find php4ts.dll, c:\php needs to be on the PATH. But if people don't move the sapi dlls to the PHP root folder, the instructions will not work. AFAIK. Nuno, what do you think?

Also, some PHP extensions require additional DLL's available to work so we need a place to refer confused Windows users on where to put these and how to make them available to PHP. Right now most (all?) extensions that need additional DLL's tell the user to copy them into their system folder but since this is no longer the preferred method how about:

  This extension requires additional DLL's in order to work, be
  sure that example.dll and example2.dll are available to your
  systems PATH.  See this FAQ entry for how to do this.

I'm referring to extensions where PHP includes all the needed DLL's above. Locations for those extra DLL's are (AFAICT):

  PHP 4 -> phproot/dlls/*
  PHP 5 -> phproot/*

Granted if they setup PHP via "the PATH method" this won't be a problem but it's still another issue to consider, an issue I'm
running into while implementing the PECL docs.

The windows install instructions now in the work suggest people to move dlls from the dlls folder to the php root folder (for php4), and put that on path (for php4/5), so this will not be an issue, if they follow the instructions :) The "move sapi dlls there" part is missing (or I have not seen it yet :)


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