Hello Again:

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 11:38:29AM -0400, Daniel Convissor wrote:
> * variablelist in the parameters section
> * informaltable in the changelog section
> * example in the examples section
> * simplelist in the seealso section
> The Element Reference in "DocBook: The Definitive Guide" indicates these 
> elements are allowed to be free standing inside <refsect1>'s so the 
> <para>'s seemingly add needless clutter and nesting.  Can I remove them 
> from the skeletons, or is there something I'm missing?

Some (many?) of our documentation files already don't use the para's 
around these elements.

The only thing that happens in the output when removing the extra para's 
is there is no vertical spacing between repeated elements.  See 
http://us.php.net/manual/en/mysqli.autocommit.php for an example. The 
following CSS snippet (for line 867 of site.css) puts that spacing back 
in without impacting examples that do have para's around them:

div.refsect1 div.example {
        margin-top: 20px;



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