Becouse --force not going to external we must replace "svn up" by "svn
up --force en/ ru/ pt/ es/"(and other lang) .

Today I update manually (svn up --force ru/    & run cron script)  RU
directory and response good result.

I will try to make commit tomorrow.

And new question:

In some languages exists some conflict files. What about it? (it's no
'.new' files, it's '.xml' files)
May be use "--accept=theirs" option also or fix it manually if it's old error?

thx Shein for help.

With regards, Alexander Moskaliov

2011/9/2 Александр Москалёв <>:
> I found what option '--force' for svn update can temporary solve this bug.
> If no one is against, I might add this option? Maybe there are some
> bad features, which I do not know?
> With regards, Alexander Moskaliov

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