Great catch Irker !

For the possible solution, I don't thinks it's a good way to force svn
update to this folders/files.
We must thinks about anothers solutions to fix this issues, specialy for new
folder as you explain.

Now we understand what's append, we can fix it manually before a "good"
solution is found.

If we don't touch the svn update command line, the "only" solution is to
store new folder in an others ways.
As you suggest, perhaps create a new directory as it "", store all
new files in it and on commit, we check if the folder exist or not into the
repository and do the job accordingly.

2011/9/2 Александр Москалёв <>

> Becouse --force not going to external we must replace "svn up" by "svn
> up --force en/ ru/ pt/ es/"(and other lang) .
> Today I update manually (svn up --force ru/    & run cron script)  RU
> directory and response good result.
> I will try to make commit tomorrow.
> And new question:
> In some languages exists some conflict files. What about it? (it's no
> '.new' files, it's '.xml' files)
> May be use "--accept=theirs" option also or fix it manually if it's old
> error?

In the same way, if there is some conflict, there is a bug who have make
possible this conflict ! we must track it ;)

> -----
> thx Shein for help.
> With regards, Alexander Moskaliov
> 2011/9/2 Александр Москалёв <>:
> > I found what option '--force' for svn update can temporary solve this
> bug.
> > If no one is against, I might add this option? Maybe there are some
> > bad features, which I do not know?
> > With regards, Alexander Moskaliov
> >
> >
> >

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