
That sounds very interesting, I'll look forward to seeing it.

I've had a few private emails from people suggesting php pre-rendering with 
structures, or using Zend Forms. I thought I should make it clear that the 
reason that I'm not looking to go down that path is that that's where I've come 
from. (The framework I've been using has 'foxels' analagous to pixels, which 
are form elements that can be built using array specs, but which have renderers 
for html, xml and json.) This makes it really easy to create lots of forms 
where there aren't isn't the need for heavy single-form specific coding. The 
benefit I see of doing it this way is that it makes it easier to create highly 
complex one-off forms within the system using specific templates, but to have a 
generalised forms to hand for most of the rest... without having to change the 
backend logic.

Hope that's as clear as mud...

On 3 Aug 2010, at 08:39, Robert Goldsmith wrote:

> Hi all,
> Well, we here at Namesco are working hard to get a release package together 
> for the Zend/PHPTal integration 'glue' we've developed for our own internal 
> codebase (which we've called ZTal) and this has full integration with 
> Zend_Form. As such it includes a large number of macros for rendering 
> different form elements - although, of course, they expect to be given a 
> Zend_Form object :) Even if you are not using Zend it should be reasonably 
> easy to re-use the macros :)
> The code is ready but the documentation is rather lacking so at a guess I'd 
> say it will be a few days before we release. I'll obviously let everyone know 
> when everything is live :)
> Robert

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