Oleksandr, thank you for the report. Please confirm, what does *CPU report
under the src64 version on the Win10/Windows Subsystem? If it is emu then
it is running the emulated version of the 64-bit version, which is good but
not optimal for performance

I have a 32-bit windows 10 machine and the Windows Subsystem for Linux was
not available on 32-bit as of a few months ago, which is one of the reasons
I started working on the win-x86-64 port.

If the native, assembly, version of PicoLisp 64 runs under Win10/x64 then
that would be great. I will still continue to work on my port as I would
like to support those without access to win10 (myself included).

On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 2:14 AM, Oleksandr Nikitin <oleksa...@tvori.info>

> Hi Rick, Thursten
> just FYI, both 32 and 64-bit PicoLisp compiles and runs pretty much
> transparently on the new "Windows Subsystem for Linux".
> Haven't tried using database yet, though.
> On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 5:26 AM, Rick Hanson <cryptor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 4, 2016 at 2:17 PM, Thorsten wrote:
>> > Hi List,
>> Hi, Thorsten !
>> > I just discovered a nice article by Joe Bogner about FLINUX as an
>> > alternative was to run PicoLisp under Windows
>> > (http://picolisp.com/wiki/?  flinuxpicolisp).
>> >
>> > I tried it out, and succeded to a certain point but not further.
>> >
>> > When installing necessary tools like wget, make etc. I often hit the
>> > "could not change the root directory (No such file or directory)"
>> > error, but it appeared after the last installation step, and after
>> > an C-c installation appeared successful.
>> >
>> > But when trying to compile the 64bit version, Java is missing, and
>> > when I try to install it, I get the above error in the middle of the
>> > installation process that thus cannot finish.
>> >
>> > There is some info about this
>> > (https://github.com/wishstudio/flinux/issues/63), but I could not
>> > really find a solution. Did somebody on the list succeed with the
>> > Flinux install of the 64bit version on Windows?
>> I'm not aware.  It looks as if his article
>> http://picolisp.com/wiki/?flinuxpicolisp
>> was only meant for 32-bit pil builds.
>> On the other hand and on the topic of Windows 64-bit pil builds, Joe
>> is currently working on and very close to a solution based on midipix.
>> http://www.midipix.org/#sec-midipix
>> He has been working closely with the midipix author for many weeks now
>> (back and forth on IRC) to iron out particular problems with getting
>> pil ported there.
>> There is not much in the way of documentation yet, but Joe has
>> cataloged some pil patches related to the midipix build here:
>> https://github.com/joebo/picoLisp-win-x86-64
>> (and there might be more he has not pushed yet; not entirely sure.)
>> At any rate, when we see Joe (joebo) on #picolisp let's remind
>> ourselves to ask him to update us about it here on the ML.
>> > Any hints would be welcome.
>> > Cheers
>> > Thorsten
>> Best, --Rick
>> --
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> With best wishes, Oleksandr Nikitin
> skype: wizzard0

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